Engine 557 Restoration Company
Progress Report January 2024

The Wasilla Chamber of Commerce extended an invitation to the community to celebrate the first official train to make a stop at the relocated Wasilla Depot on January 4, 2024. Not just any train, the Hurricane Turn! Flag train service to the off-grid communities along the railroad North of Talkeetna. Terry and Karen Stefani, Paul Dalleska and Ken Elmore braved the whiteout conditions to join the festivities representing 557.

Wasilla Depot dates back to 1917 and displays its original Park Service Green paint with White trim. It was recently relocated to what will be a multi-modal transportation center for bus and train connections with a large parking lot. This is an excellent place to board the train for your journey North.

Terry Douglas captured the chill of the morning arrival and posted it to YouTube. After a ribbon cutting by the Wasilla Mayor, Glenda Ledford, there was a rush to board the train by a large group of day trippers to claim the distinction of being “On Board” for the first departure from the relocated Wasilla Depot.

SD70MAC No. 4319 brought up the rear as the train headed railroad North, actually West out of Wasilla.

Restoration and preservation of railroad equipment and artifacts engage many groups around the world. The best and highest purpose for these treasures is usually the one that will extend their service life and make them available for viewing and study by the public. Sharing this philosophy creates many lasting friendships in the committed community. Following is a great example. Pyle National headlight comes home.

What other people say:

From the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program came this comment, “Thank you, Engine 557 Restoration Company. for being such an important organization in your community. In the last quarter of 2023, 29 households directed donations of $85.18 to Engine 557 Restoration Company (FM166).” You too can become a 557 booster by linking your community rewards card following a few clicks on the link above. It costs you nothing to participate by directing where Fred Meyer makes charitable donations.

On January 25th, Pat Durand made a presentation on Alaska Railroad history, focusing on Engine 557 restoration for the students enrolled in the Alaska Railroad Tour Guide Program at King Tech High School in Anchorage. Dan Fretwell is one of the ARR Onboard Supervisors for these students of good will and provided a class photo. If you ride the Alaska Railroad this summer, expect to be greeted by some of these smiling faces. Dan’s comment,“Thanks to Mr. Durand for coming to our class and telling us about the history of the railroad and here’s the picture of your visit for the news letter.

Alana Nerup, Manager of Onboard Services for the ARR. “Thanks again so much for visiting our class and sharing your wealth of knowledge and passion for the 557! Our class is riding the train up north for several field trips this winter/spring and we would love to wave to you all as we drive by! We will all be in the 3rd coach at the back of the Hurricane/Aurora.

If you have been following Jeff Loffert’s work on reconditioning the two branch pipes and the donuts used in the connections, here is the latest progress. Jeff put the finishing touches on both ends of the branch pipes. They are now honed to a bright finish with 350 grit compound. The same process is being repeated on the steam joints cast into the top of the cylinder block. Due to close quarters, Jeff is driving the mandrel manually with a T handle. Fortunately, this connection does not require as much work and the mandrel was sized so it could be used on all four connections.

The branch pipe donuts all need clean up. Jerry Cunnington and Terry Douglas continue R&D on a radius tool for the Lodge and Shipley lathe. The radius tool under test does provide the proper radius on the cast iron work piece, So before long it will be committed to resurface the donuts which will complete the joints.

Jerry Cunnington has also completed conditioning on the muffled Coals Safety Valve and tested it by resting the feather valve in the seat and pouring solvent onto the closure area. NO weep indicates a great fit. An entirely new feather valve for the second unit was machined from 922 bronze.

The regular Saturday crew has been making steady progress preparing the 557 boiler for the Hydro Test. Ken Morton, Jerry Cunnington, Jeff DeBroeck, Dean Sawyer, Terry Douglas, Tom Walker and Pat Durand took the photo.

Regular midweek crews round out the effort. Paul Dalleska, Ken Elmore, Lynn Willis, Jim Keene, Gene Augustine, Jim Rasmussen, Lynn Willis, Gerald Christensen and Keith Nore all continue with whatever needs to be done; electrical details, installing air lines, brake air line filters, prep and paint, regular maintenance on equipment and snow removal.

Greet all the volunteers when you meet them wearing 557 hats with their name. Only volunteers of the 557 Mechanical Department and Members of the 557 Board are so adorned. Members of the Board of Directors are rarely recognized publicly. Terry Douglas, VP Scott Hicks, Dale Wade, President Patrick Durand, Secretary Richard “Dick” Morris, Treasurer Jane Walker, Terry Stefani and via ZOOM Web Master John Combs and COO Paul Bates. They work behind the scenes to assure Engine 557 has a long future.

Dick Morris has led another successful year end fund raising campaign. By the time you read this, our goal of $85,000 will have been reached. Extend a big Thank You! to all the individuals who contributed to the 2023 challenge.

Patrick J. Durand
President Engine 557 Restoration Company




Make all donations to: Engine 557 Restoration Company at the address below.
An Alaskan 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation

Engine 557 Restoration Company
EIN 46-2663256
PO BOX 875360
Wasilla, Alaska 99687-5360


